Twin Lakes Landing II
A sustainable path out of poverty
Marysville, WA
Housing Hope
Twin Lakes Landing II serves 60 families in the north Snohomish County community who are at different stages of their journey out of poverty. Thirty apartments are designated for families coming directly from homelessness, who will receive an intensive level of services, which will be reduced as families stabilize. The remaining 30 units are permanent affordable units, where low-income families will never pay more than 30% of their income in rent and will utilize services as needed for their family.
Approximately 1/3 of the site is reserved as an enhanced natural wetland. All rainwater hitting the site will be infiltrated, helping to recharge local streams and enhance water quality. High insulation, triple pane windows, and state-of-the-art heat pump water heating limits energy use to approximately 1/3 the typical apartment usage and helps achieve passive house certification for the entire facility, the first multi-family project in Snohomish county to do so.