Sehome High School
Completed in early 2019, Sehome High School is a comprehensive high school located on Sehome Hill on the south side of Bellingham, WA, serving approximately 1,050 students.
Bellingham, WA
Bellingham Public Schools
The existing facility was originally constructed in 1966, and totaled roughly 175,000 square feet on a 40-acre site. Bellingham Public Schools (District) replaced the existing Sehome High School, building a new modern facility with a capacity for 1,200 students. Constructed on the original site while existing facilities remain largely in use, this new high school consists of one main structure with a two-story academic wing and a performing arts and physical education wing, approximately 183,622 square feet in size.
The design was developed by Dykeman in partnership with the District and a Design Advisory Committee. The mission was to envision a space that supports students, teachers, and leadership collaborating in a learning environment that is flexible, creative, and challenging. The goal was to seek and find new ways to capture all of this positive energy by providing space that is engaging and adaptable to accommodate current and future educational needs.
The “Bellingham Promise” served as the strategic document for achieving the mission and core values of Sehome High School.
The overall site design embraces the Bellingham Promise by creating spaces that communicate a strong sense of civic pride and positive social interaction and mix with hands-on/project-based/outdoor learning opportunities. The site includes active social spaces for the public and school community, active hands-on learning spaces immediately adjacent to internal learning spaces, and fields and play courts for physical activity. A mix of many sizes and types of spaces are included in order to provide a wide variety of experiences – from large formal paved areas to small intimate gathering spaces.