Everett High School Historic Modernization
The “crown jewel” of the Everett School District was originally built in 1911 and unsympathetically remodeled in 1965. In 1995, Dykeman was hired to restore the original façade and landscape plan, develop a new floor plan to accommodate a technology curriculum, upgrade the facility to current life/safety and seismic standards, and reconnect the campus to its community-based heritage.
Everett, WA
Everett Public Schools
This outstanding restoration of Everett High School earned Dykeman several coveted state, local, and private awards for outstanding achievement in historic rehabilitation.
The campus is once again a source of pride for the students, faculty, and community.
One of the most successful features is the restoration of the great lawn, which has been a vital gathering place throughout the history of the City of Everett. It serves as a social and educational hub for the students. Historical artifacts and many “kissing trees” have been returned to their rightful places on the great lawn. The grand steps to the school were also restored and have served as a podium for important civic events including a U.S. Presidential address.
An additional component of the campus modernization was the upgrade of the Everett Civic Auditorium across the street. It serves both the school and the community. Improvements were made to the stage, data/electrical system, and technology upgrades.
Project Awards
1997 William F. Brown Award for Historic Preservation – City of Everett Historical Commission
1997 Excellence in Masonry Awards (2nd place) – Mason Contractors Association of America Awards
1996 Annual Award for Outstanding Achievement in Historic Rehabilitation – State Historic Preservation Officer, Washington State Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation
1996 Excellence in Construction Award – Associated Builders & Contractors of Western Washington
1995 Award of Merit – The Washington Trust for Historic Preservation